Monday, March 10, 2008

Opposition Party

as i was wasting my time reading other ppl's blog, i came across many blogs by DAP like Hannah Yeoh, and Teresa Kok.. and also to grandma... Tok Mun.. seriously.. i was amazed how they wanted a change in malaysia.. I guess they have done it.. wif now 5 states are in the hand of the opposition party..

If u wanna noe the situation in Malaysia.. or for instance on how "u noe who" kutuk DAP insulted them, pls read Teresa Kok's blog.. she have evidence of so many things.. i wont say much here as i do not want to cause any troubles around the land and im not the person who are suppose to say so much things.. but, it really troubled me as i see so many things that "u noe who" done to insult DAP.. pls read...

I am also amazed by how DAP and PKR worked 2gether.. and not forgetting PAS as well.. if u read Hannah Yeoh post when she was in the campaign in SS19 organized by PKR, Anwar ask her to stand beside him.. i dunno fake or not.. but this is to show that PKR and DAP are willing to put aside their differences and work 2gether to denied the 2/3 majority.. which i think is awesome.. Even for Teresa Kok, working wif PAS in the DUN seat in puchong.. dats how malaysian shud worked 2gether.. We are living in a multi-racial country.. and this is the one thing we are proud of as we can say we have leaders from different races..

BN is good.. i wont say they are bad as i respect our Prime Minister, and i personally do not want him to step down.. but, there is a time where ppl began to raise their opinion...

For the DAP and PKR leaders.. i hope and i pray u ppl will govern the state good.. and will continue to fight for our rights in this country.....

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