the worship is jus so amazing.. felt God's presence so strong throughout the place.. its really really awesome.. the best moment of it is when we sang "All of Me".. everyone is jus worshiping...... really really worshiping.. and at that time, i really pray that God will take all of me... take my heart, change it, renew it.. so dat everything i do will be according to his will.... and seriously... i felt refresh, that peace.. that long time peace i have not experience for so long... due to busyness, tiredness, stressfulness, i have lost that touch, that peace, dat joy.. and 2day, when i sang those songs.. reminds me that God has control over us.. God is there for us.. Jesus has taken up everything.. by His wounds and bruises, we are HEALED!! physical and mentally.. GOD IS THE HEALER!!!!! HE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one thing that really struck me most is when Joel said that when we are not alone worshiping like dat, we are not the only one on fire for God.. coz other parts of the world, the youth generation began to rise up.. they began to step up in faith.. no matter how much the government will stop them, they are still willing to follow His will, His WAY!!! each country have their generation rising up for God.. standing up bcoz of our faith in Jesus Christ.. ARE WE MALAYSIAN DOING THE SAME?? we have all the facilities we need.. we are consider doing quite well economically.. we have extra food, extra cash... extra money to go for concerts.. why cant we do something for GOD?? why do i still see lukewarm christians around... those ppl who are not serious in their walk wif God.. who are not serious in the things that they are suppose to do for God... not dat im perfectly good.. i do make mistakes.. that makes us no difference.. but once we make mistakes, we are suppose to repent, and try to do better next time.. God did not expect us to do things perfectly.. even jus now the concert, there are mistakes made by the musicians.. but will God punished them?? NO!!! bcoz they have done their best to lead ppl into a time of worship.. that is their call... to lead ppl into God's presence.. God desire us to do our best.. when we have done our best.. God will make dat into something great.. even wif small things...
so when we play any instrument, when we sing, when we do any presentation, when we are doing things for God, we must be serious.. i have to admit that im not serious at times.. that is where things gone bad.. being serious dosen mean we cannot have fun.. but fun is fun, serious is serious.. some churches when they practice for something, they are too serious until they forget to have fun while doing it.. and some churches make it so fun until the seriousness is not there.. HOW CAN IT HAPPEN??!!!
haiz.. thats all of my thoughts for now.. might be more 2molo... seriously, im concern of my church... especially the teens.. jus wondering, are we able to take up leadership position next time?? are we ready enuf to teach, to preach and to share?? we cannot jus look at the present moment.. jus see, after our elder step down, who is going to step up?? if u say those older ones, den after those older ones step down, are we ready to step up??
enuf of kutuking and challenging.. anw, wat i write here is also to remind myself... im not perfect.. i still need to improve.. so we are all in these together...
and seriously, i really hope that the worship team this year, will improve.. and will be committed and serious and at the same time have fun worshiping......
anw.. these are some of the pics... i onli took 2 pics...
Mabel, Grace and Maggie...
Reynard and Yang...
notice all of they sweat like crazy.. ahah.. coz they also manage to reduce 10kg by jumping here and there... hahaha
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