times i do not enuf money to spend, which i can say i overspend every month, this person will somehow gives me extra cash to use and of coz wif some "toking" asking me not to spend so much..
times when im not back home yet and the time is late, she will call to find out where am i and when im coming back.. though sometimes is pretty annoying, but it shows how much she cares for me..
times when i do not understands bout my studies, she will help me, teach me, and make me understand how to answers those questions.. especially in chemistry.. but maths, i will teach her...
from monday to friday, since i was in primary skul, she will wake me up in the morning, making sure i will not be late for class, for morning session onli la.. and prepare a cup of hot milo for me, without fail.. and sometimes nice breakfast too...
times she will buy me stuff that i really like, and really make sure i work hard for it..
times she will be the middle person between me and my dad..
times she will cook delicious food for the family..
times she took effort to plan for holiday..
i rmb when i reach scotland, i did not noe wat to do.. i sat at my bed.. jus sitting down there.. she called me, and asking me how am i...
the person i dearly love and respect.......
my Mum................
Thank God for my mum who care so much for me...
Happy Mother's day....
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